MBC Links to Local Primary Schools
Supporting the works of Burns in local primary schools
- Each year, our Club supports the teaching of Burns within local Primary schools.
- Our club continues each year to financially assist local primary schools in Montrose & district for promotion of Burns poetry. MBC continued to donate during the COVID period and even though financially this was difficult for our club as we had precious little funds. MBC is a not for profit organisation, with our main income being from raffles held at our annual Burns festival.
The outgoing MBC president was invited and attended the Maisondieu Primary school in Brechin in Jan 2023 and judged their P1 to P7 Scots poetry competition, then presented the trophies to the winners
MBC outgoing President, Dave Clark, had the pleasure to judge Mason Dieu Primary School in Brechin’s Scots poetry competition in 2023. This primary school is one of several that our club support each year.
Dave is pictured with Rachel Benvie and the 4 talented competition winners
More information will be added to this page soon……..
Keep checking back.

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